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What Does Workplace Diversity & Inclusion mean in 2022

By now, you must have heard the terms diversity and inclusion! This is something that’s highly recommended in modern workplaces today, as it creates a sense of belonging, happiness, and hence a more productive working environment. But what is this diversity and inclusion? Let’s dive a bit deeper to understand better; What is Diversity in…

How to Promote D&I in the Workplace in 2021

Many Singaporeans see the issue of diversity and inclusion as an HR prerogative, but can I be real with you here for a sec? This is not the case – well, it’s true to some extent! See, yes, the HR team is responsible for driving diversity and inclusion in an organization, but so as to…

5 Strategies to Infuse D&I into Your Organization

One thing that we can all agree on is the fact that diversity and inclusion are crucial in modern workplaces. As a matter of fact, it is direly needed given all the inequalities experienced in organizations in the past. However though, achieving diversity and inclusion (D&I) goals is not easy, as one needs to adopt…

The 5 ‘Cs’ Approach to Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Regardless of how good your organization is, or how reputable it is, conflicts in the workplace are inevitable. And when it comes to these conflicts, there are no “bad” or “good” people, it is the differences in opinion and culture that largely contribute to these conflicts. See, with differences of opinions in the workplace, it…

Looking for a Career Change? These Things Could be Holding You Back

Do you really want to change your career? You are not alone! I mean, you will find so many Singaporeans bored with their jobs. Could be because they are not feeling challenged enough in their current roles, or there are just not happy! In such a situation, yes, a career change will be the perfect…

It’s about time you made that career change

When it comes to changing your career, the decision should never be taken lightly, as it can easily change your life, either positively or negatively. Many of us do change our careers at least once – perhaps even more. There are a number of reasons for that, but the most important thing is that one…