Why Does Your Company Need HR Digitalization?

For many HR practitioners, HR digital transformation is a contentious issue. This is unsurprising, given that the digital revolution has the potential to completely alter HR as we know it. But, it’s one thing to talk about digital HR transformation; it’s quite another to achieve it! Read further to know more about the hot debate.

In an age when technological disruption is the norm, HR’s digital transformation, like that of every other aspect of the organization, is critical. Digital transformation budgets are expected to rise by 25% in the coming year, according to a Deloitte report. 

With the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, machine learning, automated performance management, and much more, HR departments that still collect and analyze data using Excel sheets must make the switch to automation as soon as possible.

What is HR Digitalization?

The use of social, mobile, analytics, and cloud (SMAC) technology to make HR more efficient, effective, and linked is known as digital HR. To put it another way, it’s a seismic shift in the way Human Resources works.

However, it’s not just the use of new technologies that makes HR digital. To balance efficiency, innovation, and to maintain a demonstrable influence on the larger company as it continues to develop, digital HR should also match culture, talent, structure, and processes.

What is the Difference Between Digitization, Digitalization, and Digital Transformation of HR?


The transition from manual to digital procedures is known as digitization. Digitizing employee performance records from ten years ago is an example of this.


To become a digital-led company, an organization that uses digital tools in its daily operations, you must first digitalize. Creating a culture of using technology to manage a business is part of digitalization. 

An enterprise led by artificial intelligence that employs the technology to exploit the insights it provides into essential processes is an ideal example of digitalization.

Digital Transformation

Both digitization and digitalization are included in digital transformation. It entails automating processes and fostering an automated culture. However, it goes a step further and evaluates whether certain procedures are really necessary, removing repetitive chores that were useful when processes were manual but no longer have a place in a digital company.

Digital transformation is the result of digitization and digitalization; it creates a flexible organization that can respond to rapid technological change.

How Will This Transformation Affect HR?

Digital technology has transformed our daily lives, and it is now transforming HR. Among other things, it gives HR the ability to:

1. Incorporate data and analytics

2. Provide future-ready recruitment support

3. Improve employee experience

4. Offer tools that aid the employees

5. Be competitive in a tough market

What is the Goal of HRs Digital Transformation?

The idea of the digital transformation of HR is to get all the important processes automated to save time wasted on repetitive tasks. It would help in enhancing employee experience and give time for creating strategies to improve the business in all aspects.

How to Enable Such Transformation in HR?

Here are the steps to follow in bringing digital transformation to your HR:-

1. Start by specifying your goal behind the change

2. Pick the right people for the job

3. Hire professionals to aid the process if necessary

4. Set up a deadline to make a tool work

5. Identify the processes to be phased out by digital platforms

6. Make the case to the C-suite for the resources you require

7. Train and prepare your employees for change

8. Create and establish a culture of digital HR

Is Your Organization Ready?

Everything indeed requires digital solutions, but where are the impediments? If technology is not properly accepted and used, it is not worth the expense, and it must provide benefits to the enterprise. One of the most significant difficulties that companies encounter is adoption reluctance.

Creating an eagerness to begin digital transformation is crucial, and only a compelling business case for the project will be taken seriously. To keep up with technology trends and implementation, HR professionals will need to reskill and retrain their staff at a faster rate than ever before.