Strategies to Help You Craft a Compelling Resume

Since millennials frequently change jobs, it is less likely than in the past that they will follow a clear career path. Even though you hold a job in administration now, you can envision yourself in a marketing position in the future. 

Even if you lack formal marketing skills, can you persuade a potential employer that you’d be a fantastic fit? How do you distinguish out from the competition if all you want to do is advance to the next position in your career?

One of the first things you’ll need to do is polish your resume if you want to get that ideal job. Dress for the job you desire, not the job you have, is a piece of advice you may have heard. But have you thought about using this knowledge to improve your written image?

Strategies to Have the Best Resume

1. Create a Flow

Consider the journey you must take the reader on before you begin to write your resume. A well-written resume will encourage you to read more as you move from the name and job title to the summary and then down to the work history. So pay attention to the flow, and ensure you purposefully design a positive journey for resume readers.

2. Limit Your Resume to 2-Pages

It’s crucial to respect the reader’s attention span, which is frequently very little, and concentrate that meager attention on the things that matter most. In addition, you must prioritize since each item you list competes for readers’ attention with every other item in your resume. 

Continue removing the least significant elements until only easily readable, engaging text is left, enticing the reader to want to speak with you.

3. Use a Simple Layout

Provide information in manageable portions. For instance, use two or three brief paragraphs instead of one long paragraph in the summary section. To make them simple to read at a glance, leave plenty of space between paragraphs, above and below headings, and in between. Align and group-related things.

4. Incorporate the Correct Power Words

Please refrain from beginning each bullet point with “responsible for.” Instead, use strong verbs like boosted, enhanced, created, implemented, launched, maximized, renovated, championed, reinforced, and reinvigorated to increase the impact of your writing.

5. Highlight the Important Information

According to eye-movement research, people prefer to scan resumes in a pattern resembling a capital E or F, focusing mostly on items close to the left edge with sporadic forays to the right and back. Ensure that the most prominent locations are chosen for your job titles, key verbs, numerical results, and other greatest assets.

6. Keep it Real

Your resume must convey your accomplishments without sounding arrogant. Extreme qualifiers like “wonderful” and “excellent” are more likely to cause you to be rejected than to persuade.


It’s still crucial to have a strong resume despite all the modifications that have been made to the job search process in recent years. The core criteria for a strong resume pretty much remain the same over time:-

  • It should be concise and easy to read. 
  • It should make a case for why you could be a good fit for the position. 
  • It should offer solid proof to back up your claims.
  • Finally, it must make the reader curious about you.

Remember that having a constructive conversation is your main priority. A captivating resume can pique interest and serve as material for a conversation you’ve already secured — submitting your resume is NOT the best method to get the chance to have that talk.