Company Culture and Its Impact on Attracting Top Talent

Your company’s culture, as well as the culture of your recruiting team, has an impact on how you attract talent. How can positive corporate culture help you attract the best prospects in the industry? Let’s find out.

Suffocating workplaces are defined by drab environments, deafening silence, and stringent rules. And believe us when we say that if your ambitious employees work in this kind of setting, they won’t last long.

We all know that hiring and keeping good people takes a lot of time, but leaders should devote just as much time to creating a culture that attracts them in the first place. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case, and the consequences can be severe.

Candidates nowadays are generally more interested in the corporate culture you have to provide. Talent is attracted to companies with a positive culture. According to a 2017 survey by the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), company culture was the most important factor in candidates choosing one job over another.

How to Establish Positive Company Culture?

We all know that the most successful companies are built on a foundation of exceptional talent. This means that for your organization to achieve its objectives, you must recruit the best people in your field. Your brand and corporate culture must be a key component of your recruitment strategy to achieve this. 

Here are a few strategies to improve your corporate culture and retain the best prospects in the market:

1. Redefine Your Company Beyond Business

Encourage an environment where employers talk about things other than business, too. Your company must be known by the culture it has and not just by the money it makes.

2. Appreciate Your Employees to Boost their Morale

Just a simple pat on the back can go a long way in motivating your employees to keep going. Instead of just pointing out their mistakes, be honest and appreciate your employees when they perform well.

3. Start a Blog for Your Company

A blog page is a great platform to share more about your company culture. You can mix up your blogs with information about your company and also other topics.

4. Be Active at Job Fairs and Recruitment Events

Such events are an opportunity for you to showcase what your company is about. It gives you a platform to present your company’s principles to a large bunch of candidates and also to other companies.

5. Encourage Employee-Driven Content on Social Media

Instead of putting out the employers’ version of things in the company, publish employee-driven content on social media. Share their stories and experiences.

6. Mentor Your Employees

Mentoring goes a long way in building a fresh recruit’s personality in the long run. You can create valuable assets for your company by focussing on proper mentoring programs.

The Masters of Company Culture — A Case Study

Textile Services

Textile Services (Disney’s laundry operations) is an excellent illustration of how shifting to a high-involvement culture pays off in the long run. The baseline 60% turnover rate was lowered by an average of 5% each year after the engagement culture was formed. Customer and employee satisfaction levels skyrocketed. 

According to the yearly poll, more than 80% of employees said they were very proud to work with Textile Services. The satisfaction percentage for all facets of customer service grew considerably as well, with a satisfaction score of more than 80%.

Switching to a high-involvement culture reduced corporate costs as well. The number of managers per shift and per day was reduced by 75% at the facility. 

Textile Serves went from four managers per shift, for a total of eight per day, to one per shift, for a total of two per day. Employees were more engaged and productive than ever before, and outsourcing was no longer a danger.


Organizational culture is an important element of the hiring process, but it can also be a major stumbling block. You must consider developing a positive culture that will attract and retain outstanding talent. 

Also, understanding and taking suggestions from your employees about the work culture motivates them to come to work every day. By doing that, you can enhance retention and attract top talent.