Singapore’s Phase Three: Can the COVID-19 Vaccine Help?

On December 28, 2020, Singapore moved into Phase 3 of its reopening efforts. To make this move, Singapore had to demonstrate a number of preconditions to prove that the country was safe enough to lessen restrictions. Though entering phase 3 was a significant step toward entering a post-COVID world, there is still more work to be done before things go completely back to normal. Around the world, different pharmaceutical companies and governments are starting to roll out rounds of the COVID-19 vaccine. Experts are optimistic that in time and with the help of the COVID-19 vaccine, populations will develop enough herd immunity to protect members of the population from the virus’s spread. While the vaccine is expected to help start the process of protecting people, many countries, Singapore included, are a long way away from returning to life as we used to know it. In the meantime, people should follow safety guidelines, including practicing social distancing and following good hand hygiene, and when it is their turn, receive the vaccine.

How is Phase Three Different?

Group Gatherings

A significant way government are fighting the spread of COVID-19 is by enforcing social distancing and limiting group gatherings. As Singapore moves into Phase 3, group size for gatherings will be increased from 5 people to 8 people. This includes visitors to one’s household.

Capacity Limit

Different attractions can start the process of reaching out to the Singapore Tourism Board to increase their operating capacity to 65%.

Congressional and Worship Services

Up to 250 people will now be permitted to attend the same worship service, though there will be other distancing requirements in place.


Up to 8 guests can attend a wedding, excluding the members of the hosting household and any officiants, solemnizers, or vendors.

Live Music

Certain activities will now permit live music performances with the exception of wind instruments, which cannot be played without a face covering.

Live Indoor Performances

Up to 250 people will be permitted to attend live indoor performances, though there will be other distancing requirements in place.

Even with this major expansion of the number of people that can interact in certain settings, other activities are still deemed high-risk and are highly regulated.

What Comes Next?

According to Singapore’s Senior Minister for Health, Dr. Janil Puthucheary, on February 25, 2021, “Phase 3 is a new normal which will last until such time when there is evidence on vaccine effectiveness in preventing future outbreaks, a substantial proportion of the population is vaccination, and the rest of the world also has the virus under control.” Dr. Puthacheary’s statement signals that even with widespread vaccinations in Singapore, it is important to watch the rest of the world before making any significant changes to safety practices. Leading health experts suggest that the best way forward is to remain vigilant and continue implementing safety practices aggressively. For the time being, Singapore will remain in Phase 3. Even back in November 2020, some scientists speculated that Singapore’s Phase 3 could last up to a year. Hopefully, the introduction of the vaccine speeds this process up and helps bring life in Singapore into Phase 4 quickly.