How to Give and Receive Constructive Employee Feedback?

Providing feedback is a crucial step in bringing any project to complete fruition. However, giving and receiving feedback at the workplace might prove to be a difficult task for some people. In this article, we will talk about how to exchange constructive feedback amongst a team. Keep reading to find out more!

What Is Constructive Feedback?

In the workplace, constructive feedback is any kind of guidance that could help improve an employee’s growth and correct their weaknesses. If you’re working in a team, you may expect constructive feedback from your peers, your team leader, or the management of your company. If given the right way, it can help boost employee morale and potential by a long way.

The Difference Between Criticism And Constructive Feedback

Both criticism and constructive feedback address an employee’s ability and the areas where they can improve. However, criticism can hurt an employee, while constructive feedback encourages them to rectify their mistakes and move ahead. Criticism carries negativity and is judgmental, while constructive feedback also incorporates the positive skills of an employee. Unlike criticism which is aimed at bringing down someone’s motivations, constructive feedback actually suggests solutions to improve.

How To Give Constructive Feedback

Here are some ways in which you can give constructive feedback to an employee. 

#1 Decide if it’s necessary

Before connecting with the team member, you must evaluate whether the problem you plan to address is worth giving feedback on. Minor mistakes that can be avoided on their own do not require feedback. 

#2 Be specific and problem-focused 

Your time and your employee’s time are both valuable. Stick to the problem you wish to address instead of beating around the bush to save time and avoid confusion.  

#3 Stress on the work, not the person 

Avoid the character traits of the employee and instead focus on the problems you see in their work. You’re not giving constructive feedback to bring them down but to solve issues with their work. 

#4 Give credit where it’s due

If the employee has done something that you appreciate, mention it. This improves morale and pushes them to improve further.

How To Receive Constructive Feedback

Here’s how you, as an employee, can respond to feedback. 

#1 Recognize that it might be good for you 

Understand that anyone can make mistakes and that constructive feedback might help you avoid them in the future. Such feedback may help you grow in your career tremendously. 

#2 Ask questions on how you can improve 

Feedback must not only be about the errors you make at work but also about how to rectify them. Feel free to ask for solutions or how you can improve. 

#3 Develop a strategy and take action

The next step would be to devise a plan that suits your working style and improve yourself.


Constructive feedback is a tricky tool that can help you improve your performance and learning curve to a massive extent if given and received the right way. We hope this article will help you with that.